IV Medication For Migraine Headaches in Colorado

Migraines can be so severe that they impair your ability to perform daily tasks. Migraines and cluster headaches cause pain, distress, and, at best, discomfort.

What if there was a better way to get relief quickly? We provide in-home headache and migraine IV therapy throughout Colorado at Mobile IV Colorado. We come to you, saving you the cost of transportation, waiting times, and discomfort associated with hospital visits. Whether you have migraine or headache symptoms, IV hydration provides a safe, painless, and highly effective solution — all in the comfort of your own home. Read on to learn about the benefits of IV medication for migraine headaches.

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Feel Better Fast

Our Most Effective IV Drip For Rehydration - The Myers Cocktail

We recommend the Myers Cocktail IV infusion therapy for headaches and migraines whether your headache or migraine was caused by a hangover, dehydration, or a medical condition. It includes a saline dosage as well as six additional add-ins, allowing us to tailor the IV package to your specific needs!


How IV Therapy For Headaches and Migraines Can Help

Mobile IV Colorado's IV infusion therapy contains the right combination of vitamins, electrolytes, minerals, and fluids to help alleviate migraine symptoms. Migraine IV therapy relieves vomiting and nausea, as well as throbbing pain on one side or the entire head, sensitivity to noise and light, and vision changes.

Toxins are flushed out while lost fluids and electrolytes are replenished in IV hydration therapy for headaches and migraines, allowing you to find relief quickly. Anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory medications used in IV drip treatments can also help relieve migraine symptoms. Schedule your IV infusion therapy for headaches online today!


Migraine Symptoms That IV Therapy Treatment Can Help Relieve

Mobile IV drip therapy can help relieve a variety of migraine and headache symptoms. Migraines can strike at any time in your life and progress through four stages: prodrome, aura, attack, and post-drome. However, not everyone who suffers from migraines progresses through all four stages.

Here is a basic overview of these four stages to help paint a clearer picture of the symptoms that IV medications and fluids can help alleviate.

Prodrome Symptoms

Prodrome occurs one or two days before a migraine hits and includes symptoms such as:

  • Drastic mood changes
  • Neck stiffness
  • Constipation
  • Food cravings
  • Frequent yawning
  • Increased thirst

 Aura Symptoms

Auras make up the second stage of a migraine, and people can experience them before or during migraines. Symptoms can accumulate over several minutes and last anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes. Symptoms of migraine aura include:

  • Hearing noises
  • Vision loss
  • Weakness or numbness on one side of the body or in the face
  • Seeing bright flashes of light
  • Sensation of pins and needles
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Uncontrollable jerking movements

Attack Symptoms

If left untreated, attacks can last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours. A migraine can induce many symptoms, including:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sensitivity to sound, light, smell and touch
  • Throbbing or pulsing pain
  • Pain on one or both sides of the head 

Post-Drome Symptoms

During the post-drome stage, after a migraine attack has ended, people are likely to experience a wide range of emotions such as feeling disoriented and drained.

What Causes Migraines and Headaches?

Migraines and headaches can be caused by a number of factors. Sometimes you can pinpoint the cause of your migraine, but other times it appears as if your headache appears out of nowhere. IV infusion therapy for headaches and migraines can help!

Common triggers are:

  • Environmental causes: Exposure to certain lights, noises and smells have been shown to set off acute migraine attacks. 
  • Emotional causes: Depression, shock and stress may leave you susceptible to migraine and headaches attacks. 
  • Medications: Certain medications, like sleeping pills and hormone replacement therapy, have been linked to migraines.
  • Diet: While alcohol and caffeine are well-known migraine triggers, these severe headaches have also been linked to citrus fruits, chocolate and cheese. 
  • Physical causes: Common culprits of migraines and headaches include overexertion, less than ideal back posture, lack of sleep and prolonged physical tension. 

What's In The IV Infusion Drip For Headaches and Migraines?

Mobile IV therapy for headaches and migraines includes a high-concentration blend of fluids, nutrients, and antioxidants. These IV fluids are specifically designed to help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of a migraine or headache. The following IV drip fluids have been shown to help treat migraines and headaches:

Anti-inflammatory, pain and headache medicine: IV medications for migraines include pain medicine such as Toradol, or ketorolac, which can help relieve the pounding, numbness and uncomfortable sensations.

IV fluids: IV hydration packages from Mobile IV Colorado help you replace lost fluids, easing migraine and headache symptoms.

Get In-Home Migraine and Headache Relief With IV Fluids in Colorado

Back by an ER physician's group specializing in telemedicine, Mobile IV Colorado is comprised of a dedicated and compassionate team committed to helping you overcome migraines, headaches and other ailments. We've helped thousands of patients in Colorado recover from nausea, hangovers, colds, the flu, dehydration, muscle cramps, POTS syndrome, morning sickness, food poisoning, weight loss surgery, colonoscopy recovery and more with IV infusion therapy. 

Mobile IV therapy for headaches is a safe, painless treatment solution designed to help you feel better faster. A member of our team will be at your door within one hour of your call or text to assess your vital signs and symptoms. Once you've signed a waiver, you're all set to receive IV hydration treatment! If you'd like to customize your in-home IV therapy for migraines with specific add-ins, be sure to talk to one of our team members. Plus, we use a topical numbing spray for your comfort.

To book an appointment, call or text us at (720) 575-0973. You can also contact us to request more information about our IV packages and pricing options.


Last Reviewed By Matt Heistan on 10/2/2020

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